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ANELLO and BEAMAGINE partner on vehicle localisation


The companies say that their collaboration will provide benefits for automotive OEMs, including enhanced localisation accuracy, robust performance in challenging conditions, and seamless integration for autonomous applications

ANELLO Photonics, the creator of the silicon photonic optical gyroscope (SiPhOG) and BEAMAGINE, a company focusing on solid-state LiDAR and vision solutions, have announced a strategic partnership that aims to revolutionise vehicle localisation for automotive OEM customers operating in GPS-challenged environments. In addition to automotive OEMs, the collaboration between ANELLO and BEAMAGINE aims to support High Definition (HD) Mapping projects and municipalities focused on road infrastructure maintenance. The companies say that agriculture customers facing daily challenges around navigation in GPS-denied environments will also benefit from the collaboration.

The partnership intends to leverage the strengths of both companies to develop an enhanced Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system. By combining the BEAMAGINE L3CAM, a LiDAR camera enhanced with sensor fusion from different imaging modes and a dedicated embedded processor for AI perception, with the ANELLO GNSS/INS, an inertial navigation system containing ANELLO's optical gyroscope technology and algorithms, the collaboration aims to create a robust sensor fusion solution. The companies say that this integrated system will significantly improve vehicle localisation, ensuring reliable navigation and positioning even in the most challenging conditions and GPS-denied environments.

Enhanced Localization Accuracy: The fusion of BEAMAGINE's L3CAM and ANELLO's GNSS/INS provides unparalleled precision in vehicle localization. This ensures better accuracy for HD Mapping projects together with reliable performance in urban canyons, tunnels, orchards and other GPS-denied environments.

“We are thrilled to partner with BEAMAGINE to address navigation and positioning in GPS-denied environments which is one of the most critical challenges for all autonomous vehicles,” said Mario Paniccia, CEO of ANELLO Photonics. “Our combined expertise in photonic gyroscopes and navigation solutions together with LiDAR technology and vision will provide automotive, agriculture and HD Mapping customers and OEMs with detailed, accurate and groundbreaking solutions to enhance localisation accuracy and reliability for future autonomous platforms and applications.”

Jordi Riu Gras, CEO of BEAMAGINE, added: “The collaboration with ANELLO Photonics represents a significant step forward in vehicle localisation technology. By fusing our L3CAM with ANELLO's advanced optical gyroscope technology integrated into the ANELLO GNSS/INS, we are setting a new standard for precision and performance in autonomous driving and HD Mapping applications.”

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