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scia Systems to showcase ion beam processing advances at SEMICON West


The company says it plans to highlight solutions that enable fabrication of 3D optoelectronic microstructures for PICs and also reduce microroughness, enhancing the production of high-performance PICs

scia Systems, a company focused on advanced ion beam and plasma process equipment for microelectronics, MEMS, and precision optics industries, has announced that it will highlight key advances in ion beam processing for semiconductor, sensor and PIC manufacturing at SEMICON West 2024. The microelectronics event will be held from 9-11 July 2024, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

According to scia Systems, its high-precision solutions are playing an essential role in enabling many of today’s high-growth consumer and industrial applications. The advances that the company plans to highlight at the conference include ion beam etching solutions to enable significant growth in PICs.

Demand for PICs is growing rapidly in telecommunications and datacentres due to their wide bandwidth, low transmission loss, and numerous other advantages over traditional electronic integrated circuits. Integrating new materials, material stacks, and designs requires new etching solutions.

scia Systems says its advanced ion beam etching and trimming processes enable manufacturing of three-dimensional optoelectronic microstructures for PICs, such as waveguides and other optical components. The company adds that reducing microroughness by ion beam trimming is another promising application area that enhances the production of high-performance PICs. Further applications include nano-structured surface relief gratings for AR/MR systems, and surface form error correction for telescope mirrors, X-ray optics, lenses, and conventional optics.

“As semiconductors, sensors, and optical devices increase in complexity due to smaller features, new exotic materials, and more layers and complex structures, the processes used to manufacture them require higher levels of precision,” said Michael Zeuner, CEO of scia Systems. “Our advances in ultra-precision ion beam process technologies are enabling manufacturers’ success in producing these devices, which are driving cloud computing, AR/MR, automotive, telecommunications, and many other industries. A case in point, every modern cell phone has components that have been manufactured using a scia Systems product. We look forward to highlighting these solutions, as well as the many high-growth applications that they enable, at SEMICON West – the premier event for the semiconductor ecosystem.”

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