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Quantifi Photonics announces Iannick Monfils as new CEO


Since co-founding the company, Monfils has led the engineering team and developed its product portfolio, which includes PIC test solutions designed to serve a range of contexts, from R&D labs to high-volume manufacturing

Quantifi Photonics, a test and measurement company, has announced that CTO and co-founder Iannick Monfils will assume the role of CEO as the company seeks to drive the next phase of growth. Departing CEO and fellow co-founder Andy Stevens will continue to advise the executive team and remains a major shareholder.

Since co-founding Quantifi Photonics in 2012, Monfils has been responsible for leading the company’s engineering team and evolving its advanced product portfolio, which now spans test solutions for coherent optical modulation, high-volume manufacturing of PICs and pluggable optical transceivers, and general-purpose photonics.

Monfils has over 23 years of experience in the photonics and telecommunications industry, supporting the launch of the first commercial long-haul coherent transceivers at Nortel. Quantifi Photonics says his work on coherent signal DSP was crucial to be able to launch the company’s test solutions for optical modulation analysis and he has brought to market dozens of products while working closely with customers, partners and suppliers to address future technology and market needs.

“I’m honoured to accept the role of CEO and look forward to leading the Quantifi Photonics team,” says Monfils. “As the AI revolution drives adoption of new optical interconnect technologies, our customers need test solutions capable of supporting the large-scale production of these critical components. We’ve been anticipating the needs of the photonics ecosystem for some time and are working with customers who are at the forefront of these new technologies. It’s an exciting time to help our customers capitalise on this opportunity while driving expansion of our global business footprint and product suite.”

Quantifi Photonics says it has developed a scalable and comprehensive product portfolio designed to serve a broad spectrum of requirements, from research and development labs to high-volume manufacturing environments. The company’s product architecture is designed to support the production of PICs and silicon photonic-based optical devices, accommodating configurations with dozens or even hundreds of channels.

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