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Nokia and TTI achieve 800G on long-haul commercial network


The companies say they have set a new world record using Nokia’s latest generation of coherent optics, which also reduces energy consumption and cost for customers

Nokia, together with Türk Telekom International (TTI), has announced a new world record using Nokia’s sixth generation of super-coherent Photonic Service Engine (PSE-6s) technology. The companies say they conducted a real-world field on a highly loaded commercial network over 2300 km and achieved an 800G single wavelength international transmission with no regeneration on C+L band WDM infrastructure.

Nokia and TTI also announced that they conducted real-world demonstrations on similarly highly loaded links delivering 700G single wavelength transmission over 2500 km and 600G over 4100 km. The companies say they were performed with no regeneration and with traffic loads near 95 percent of the maximum WDM capacity of the network, further highlighting the scale and performance of Nokia’s optical network solutions.

The main target of the field trial was to avoid regeneration on routes between Turkey and Frankfurt with significantly higher line rates than 200G and 300G that are used today, enabling Türk Telekom International to efficiently scale the bandwidth of its existing network. The companies say their results have successfully achieved this.

According to Nokia, the PSE-6s enables more sustainable networks with better power efficiency. Leveraging the latest 5 nm DSP silicon integrated circuits and tightly integrated with silicon photonics, the company says the PSE-6s reduces power-per-bit by 40 percent versus today’s coherent solutions, enabling operators a more attractive Total Cost of Ownership whilst offering greener solutions to their customers.

Zekeriya Erkan, chief technology officer at TTI, said: “Our main target was to avoid regeneration between Turkey and Frankfurt with highly efficient lambdas for transporting aggregated 100GE and 400GE services. We were pleased to validate that the capabilities of the PSE-6s-based transponder on our existing C+L infrastructure allowed us to go beyond our goal and grow the wavelengths from 200G/300G to 600G/700G/800G, thus scaling the overall bandwidth on a brownfield network. These are truly groundbreaking results that will allow us to offer more efficient services, reduced cost and greener transport to our customers.”

James Watt, senior vice president and general manager of Optical at Nokia, said: “Faster, greener, more efficient. This new industry benchmark of 800G over 2,300 km ticks all the boxes for organisations needing to transmit data at immense scale, over long distances, fast and with the minimum energy use. In Türk Telekom, we have a partner who is ready to set the bar extremely high and help us push the limits of optical technology. It’s gratifying to reach this important milestone together.”

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