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Brilliance receives €2 million funding for augmented reality lasers


Enschede-based laser startup Brilliance has announced that it has received €2 million in investment from Oost NL and PhotonVentures. The company is developing chips for laser projection applications in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. It has developed a laser technology that it says offers a breakthrough for the current limitations of low resolution and high energy consumption, by projecting very sharp, colourful images onto glass surfaces such as eyeglass lenses and car windows.

According to Brilliance, it uses patented photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology to create the smallest possible RGB laser module. Tim Tiek, CEO of the startup, explains: “Miniaturisation is the key to success in the development of AR glasses, because for ultimate wearing comfort, the devices must be as small as possible and preferably barely visible. In addition, extremely clear images are necessary, especially for outdoor applications, while at the same time energy consumption must be kept to an absolute minimum. We are now able to overcome these dilemmas by producing the smallest and most efficient chip solution.”

Douwe Geuzebroek, CTO of Brilliance, adds: “By using methods from the semiconductor and photonics industries, our module is also scalable into the volumes required for these markets.”

Brilliance has also recently announced successful demonstration of the technical feasibility in the prototype chips. For that, the Enschede start-up uses a new ‘flip chip’ technology, where the laser chip is placed on its back against other advanced components. The startup says it offers precise control over optical output properties, ensures compatibility with advanced eye-tracking systems, and guarantees durability through a hermetically sealed design with strategically placed electrical connections.

In the near future, Brilliance plans to further develop the current generation of proof-of-concept chips into customer-specific prototypes, as well as taking necessary steps in the industrialisation phase of the production process, anticipating future demand. Tiek says: “With this investment we can scale up the silicon-nitride-based photonic integrated chip technology to the industrial volumes needed for the AR market. We are therefore delighted that the confidence of our new shareholders makes this next step in our development possible.”

"PhotonVentures is proud to support Brilliance's vision to shape the future of AR technology," said partner Pieter Klinkert, "Our expertise within the integrated photonics sector, allows us to recognise and foster the potential of innovations like Brilliance's laser chip."

Jordy Schaufeli, senior investment manager of tech of Oost NL commented: “AR and VR are increasingly going to play a role in our daily lives. Also, beyond the entertainment industry. We have great confidence in the team at Brilliance and think they have a unique product on their hands to enhance the experience of AR and VR. We can play an important role as an investor in photonics, which is a growth market for the Eastern Netherlands.”

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