POLYNICES Project Launched in Europe – Next Generation Photonic Modules

POLYNICES Kick-Off Meeting
POLYNICES is a research and innovation effort to provide a general-purpose photonic integration platform that meets all the cost, performance, scalability and manufacturability requirements for the next generation of photonic modules.
The POLYNICES project was officially launched with the kick-off meeting held on January 12 and 13, 2023. All eight members of the consortium gathered for a two-day productive meeting at the premises of TOPTICA in Munich to analyze in detail the POLYNICES work plan, to specify in detail the role of each partner in the implementation of the project and to define the next actions.
POLYNICES will develop a fully integrated FMCW THz spectrometer with > 2 THz bandwidth, 8 THz antenna array and beam steering abilities for plastic quality inspection, a 16x16 quantum processor with integrated 780 nm light source and non-linear crystals and a 24x24 quantum processor with integrated squeezed light state source. The POLYNICES technology provides a holistic approach to photonic integration and packaging and can certainly make advanced photonic modules affordable for SMEs.
The consortium
POLYNICES Project consortium consists of eight partners from four European countries (Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain).
Among those partners, there are three SMEs (PHIX Photonics Assembly, Optagon Photonics and QuiX Quantum), one industry-oriented research institute (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI), two large companies (LioniX International, TOPTICA Photonics) and two academic organizations (ISenseGroup/ICCS and Charles III University of Madrid) with strong exploitation interests and channels.
The partners have been brought together due to their expertise and expected contributions to individual technical aspects of POLYNICES project. Some of them are irreplaceable in the sense that their expertise and technical infrastructure are unique in Europe, and thus necessary for achieving POLYNICES objectives.