Brewer Science Earns GreenCircle Certification for Zero Waste to Landfill

Brewer Science has announced it has earned Zero Waste to Landfill Certification for the seventh consecutive year. The Zero Waste to Landfill Certification represents Brewer Science’s commitment to the responsible management of end-of-life materials and demonstrates the company’s commitment to waste diversion practices.
Brewer Science is the only company in the semiconductor and microelectronics industry to achieve GreenCircle Certification, and only one of ten companies worldwide to be recognized for Zero Waste to Landfill. The Zero Waste to Landfill certification from GreenCircle is one of the most difficult sustainability certifications to meet. GreenCircle will certify an organization for Zero Waste to Landfill Certification if 100% of the materials leaving the facility are intended to be diverted from landfill via one of GreenCircle's acceptable means of diversion. Waste diversion from landfill, defined as the prevention and reduction of generated waste through source reduction, recycling, reuse, or composting, has been characterized as one of the best ways manufacturing companies can demonstrate genuine environmental responsibility.
“The sustained achievement of Zero Waste to Landfill GreenCircle Certification not only demonstrates Brewer Science’s commitment to sustainability but also our dedication to being responsible with resources. Our customers know that we have a commitment to high-quality materials and solutions, and we’re meeting our commitment while also being responsible stewards of the environment,” states Matthew Beard, Executive Director, Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability at Brewer Science.
For semiconductor companies, it is essential to evaluate the materials used in manufacturing and identify if there are more environmentally friendly alternatives, and responsibly handle the waste. Brewer Science established their Green Chemistry Program in 2019, which is an effort to identify chemical alternatives that are proven to be more sustainable, as well as divert hazardous materials for reuse applications. Additionally, Brewer Science organizes an annual community collection recycling program partnering with waste disposal companies and volunteer crews to prevent community e-waste from becoming a part of a landfill. The company shares about their sustainability programs via their blog and their “Going Green” page to encourage other tech companies to adopt more sustainable practices.