Palomar Moves to New larger HQ

Expands to over 110k square feet of manufacturing and contract assembly laboratories
Palomar Technologies, a company that develops process solutions for photonics and microelectronic device packaging, has moved to a new headquarters in Carlsbad, California and expanded its facilities to over 110,000 square feet.
“Since acquiring SST International [renamed to SST Vacuum Reflow Systems] in 2015, our global business has rapidly developed with a new customer base and these new facilities make it possible for Palomar to meet the growing global demand for our entire product line,” said Bruce Hueners, CEO and president for Palomar Technologies and SST Vacuum Reflow Systems.
“Additionally, our Innovation Centre, which specialises in contract assembly and process development, has grown substantially and these new facilities will provide a top-notch laboratory, precision manufacturing, and training facilities.”
Palomar has its roots in the aerospace and defence industry with its origins as a technology division within Hughes Aircraft. Over the 40+ years of supporting the semiconductor and photonics industries, Palomar Technologies has expanded beyond its traditional segments across automotive (LiDAR & power modules), medical semiconductor/biophotonics, microwave, RF/wireless, 5G, Datacom, telecom, industrial and a few niche markets.
Palomar says it is in the unique position to work with customers from start-up/prototype all the way to volume production, as it is a logical transition for the customer to move through Palomar Innovation Centers to purchase their own Palomar equipment line.
The new facilities complement Palomar’s expansion in 2019 of its contract manufacturing facilities in Singapore, as well as collaborating with the Electronics and Photonics Innovation Centre (EPIC) in Paignton (Torbay), in the United Kingdom to open a demonstration/prototyping laboratory to serve its growing European customer base.