IDT Introduces Linear 400G/600G Drivers
Integrated Device Technology (IDT) has announced its new GX76470 64G die linear driver for optical integrated modules addressing 400G and 600G coherent applications.
The company said its IDT GX76470 linear driver is designed for Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) defined integrated optical subassembly modules. These devices include: the high-bandwidth co-packaged driver modulator (HB-CDM) and an integrated coherent transmitter-receiver optical subassembly (IC-TROSA). Such subassemblies enable optical transceiver module miniaturization and component cost reduction for 400G ZR, metro, and data center interconnect (DCI) applications. IDT said it sees the GX76470 as enabling optical subassemblies that are potentially applicable to QSFP-DD, OSFP, CFP4-ACO, and CFP2-DCO optical modules.
Delivering more than 40 GHz of bandwidth with a peaking control functionality, the GX76470 die linear driver features an AC-coupled 100W differential input/DC-coupled 55W differential output interface. The company added that transmission register integration on the driver die assures optimal impedance matching with optical modulators. The driver has tuning capabilities for linearity, output voltage swing, and power consumption through SPI registers.
The GX76470 supplies high linearity, with coverage of the maximum output voltage swing range of 2.8 Vpp differential, total harmonic distortion (THD) of less than 1.5 percet up to 2 Vpp differential output voltage swing, and less than 0.5W per channel power consumption. According to IDT, these are suitable for driving diverse optical modulator types at 64 Gbps, as well as maximizing the E/O frequency response.
Additionally, various control functionality is provided by the GX76470 driver, including gain control and output voltage setting, peak detector and gain monitoring through the analog control/monitoring pins, and OIF-compliant SPI digital interface. Contact the company for more information.