VPIphotonics announces new version of DSP Library
Provides access and support to algorithms developed by the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute's Photonic Networks and Systems department team
VPIphotonics has announced its new VPItoolkit DSP Library version 3.0, which provides access and application support to lab-proven electronic digital signal Processing algorithms, developed by the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute. VPIphotonics will demonstrate its capabilities at ECOC 2017 and as part of a live lab demonstration at the Fraunhofer HHI booth.
This DSP Library is available as pluggable toolkit to VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems and VPIlabExpert.
VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems is a simulation platform for optical transmission systems addressing applications from short-reach to ultra-long-haul. Besides accurate simulation of electrical and optical device characteristics and various transmission impairments, this versatile tool offers professional modelling capabilities to support arbitrary 2D, 4D and even N dimensional modulation formats, and bit stream en-/decoding using soft and hard decision FEC codes.
VPIlabExpert delivers a set of interface modules for automatic signal conversion and transfer between simulation software and lab equipment, flexibly allowing user-specific requirements and the addition of new equipment. It provides great potential for reducing efforts in the lab by applying ready-to-use advanced functionalities and virtualizing lab equipment through emulation of optical and electrical components.
By bringing together those powerful methodologies and efficient tools for simulation and the lab, experimentalists are able to significantly accelerate and improve the R&D process, for example, by developing lab-ready DSP solutions or stress-test scenarios using VPIphotonics simulation and analysis tools under practical and real-world conditions. VPItoolkit DSP Library enables in conjunction a diversity of important transmitter and receiver-side DSP functions for coherent optical systems, including but not limited to non-linear pre-distortion, I/Q imbalance correction, blind CD estimation and compensation, data-aided channel equalisation, clock recovery and deskew, carrier frequency and phase recovery, polarization demultiplexing and PMD compensation. Applications include benchmarking of DSP algorithms, offline processing for lab experiments, designing next-generation transceivers, addressing the trade-off between DSP complexity and its performance, comparing modulation formats and analysing their system performance, and defining component requirements.
The new Version 3.0 features enhanced digital pre-distortion capabilities, allowing the mitigation of linear and nonlinear transmitter component impairments. Building upon the ability to accurately model nonlinear memory effects in performance-critical electronics such as digital-analogconverters (DACs) and modulator driver amplifiers, VPItoolkit DSP Library can now be used to automatically synthesiae nonlinear pre-distortion filters that overcome these impairments. In consequence, high fidelity signals can be obtained out of imperfect optical transmitters.
Moreover, a new 4x4 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) adaptive equaliser is introduced to perform additional compensation of I/Q imbalance and skew in received signals.